How developers interact with RAIRprotocol
RAIRprotocol will only be as successful as the community that supports is ongoing open source development. As such, developers must be rewarded for their valuable contributions to the network. We call this reward Dapp (DevDapp.com)
Event Listening Logic
RAIRprotocol utilizies 3rd party repository management software (namely GitHub) as the source of truth for distributing incentive rewards. While GitHub is not the exclusive repository for RAIRprotocol, it has by far the largest active developer community in which to achieve a network effect from.
Event listing logic of RAIRprotocol can apply to any public facing code repository, though the initial implementation is specifc to GitHub event emissions.
Incentive Workflow
Developer signs up to work on RAIRprotocol from the offiical RAIR Incentive program dApp by connecting his or her Github account via Auth0 social logic flow and generating a Web3 Wallet.
Developer finds a list of available tasks to perform. Bug submissions, bug fixes, new feature request etc.
To create an issue recognized by the DAO github, the developer must choose to join an available pool.
Upon creating a new issue in Github, the core DAO team will review the issue and if valid apply the appropriate label.
This labeling process generates an event in the GitHub API. Logic in the onboarding dApp then matches the label with the associated github username and assigns "points" (offchain token IOUs) to the user.
User can then choose to stake their points to receive the full amount, or have immediate liquidity for a tax.
Event logic continues to work for deeper code work, including the successful merging of pull requests into main.
Any event in Github can be configured to generate rewards. Emissions rates and how ongoing developer rewards fund is distributed is at the sole discretion of the RAIRprotocol DAO members. See mechanics (earn model) section for full explanation.
Last updated
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