How RAIR tokens work
This is the official RAIR token ERC20 0x address. Please double check this matches your records
To keep the functionality of RAIRprotocol ecosystem simple and straightforward, the underlying RAIR token that powers our ecosystem is designed with only 2 primary functionalities.
Burn model: Burning RAIR tokens for membership and elevated rights in the official RAIRprotocol DAO.
Earn model: Earning RAIR tokens from a fixed supply rewards pool for performing value work on the network (contributing to our open source repositories).
How to License RAIRprotocol
RAIRprotocol is fully open source and free to use, extend, and modify. To make your copy of RAIRprotocol official, you'll need to mint a free license NFT.
To access higher tiers of benefits, you'll need to burn RAIR tokens to escalate to higher tiers of support and influence in the DAO. See Burn model section for full details.
While our token licensing system can be forked and bypassed, choosing to pay the RAIR tokens funds open source development, and ensures the officially verified smart smarts are used.
Only wallets with valid license NFTs can collect rewards, and submit pull requests to the open repo.
Projects with valid license receive official whitelisting status in the RAIRprotocol DAO. Projects without an official license are in violation of our terms of use. While there is not a hard power enforcement mechanism, there is soft power in the community (shaming for unattributed usage).
Last updated
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