All Contract Addresses

Deployed Solidity contracts.

Diamond Logic Facets

Provides logic for a diamond-based implementation of RAIR Smart Contracts.

Diamond Cut

The Diamond Cut facet is responsible for adding, replacing, and removing facets within the diamond.

Author: Nick Mudge

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x0ce668d271b8016a785bf146e58739f432300b12

Matic - 0x8dd9bac877ddee493f46fd0df7f4d12054a63607

Astar - 0xD7e55F9CfA89d6603F756b1e080375d92B6C15BE

Base - 0x0ce668d271b8016a785bf146e58739f432300b12


Diamond Loupe

The Diamond Loupe facet provides functions for inspecting the facets and function selectors present in the diamond contract.

Author: Nick Mudge

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0xc9ef9902fa24923a17326addb7da0e67ff46692a

Matic - 0xd04053f6487438689c6ab5d534d0bcc00add1c33

Astar - 0x7A7e949B4D9725Aed32f528b0524992EE733D21A

Base - 0xc76c3ebea0ac6ac78d9c0b324f72ca59da36b9df

Diamond Ownership

The Diamond Ownership facet manages ownership and access control for the diamond contract.

Author: Nick Mudge

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0xc76c3ebea0ac6ac78d9c0b324f72ca59da36b9df

Matic - 0xe92b849c8a3614eef1680d6ce0ab9aad886a7dcd

Astar - 0x460A4087bEfD90C5b1D1c83C22DbB626EFa91208

Base - 0xba01bc9ea4f2806addcd94c6cd8c43dd4f2488ec

ERC20 Contracts


ERC721 Contracts

ERC721 Facet Source

ERC721 Facets

Base ERC721

Provides basic functions from the ERC721 standard. Implements the ERC721Enumerable extension for token indexing.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0xba01bc9ea4f2806addcd94c6cd8c43dd4f2488ec

Matic - 0xc9df31b3ec5627fd14650eef20ba92de13a2f7a4

Astar - 0x8Fbb22212E2e5278743dE98E9A272e1f336d1Bdd

Base - 0x556a3db6d800aaa56f8b09e476793c5100705db5


RAIR Metadata facet contract. Administrate metadata associated with the RAIR facet.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x556a3db6d800aaa56f8b09e476793c5100705db5

Matic - 0x06914d2612ad0c228b2560e4c698bc50ab121e6b

Astar - 0x347Bd1C9B08c27179C38d1e4c0e34B0575c29405

Base - 0x92fbe344513e108b581170e73cfa352b729e47ea


RAIR Product facet contract. Facets for Product management.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x92fbe344513e108b581170e73cfa352b729e47ea

Matic - 0x7104fbe8c5260159b2bd2bcd4a998ed6342432e3

Astar - 0xAabF35ed4d7f1C1Da712BfEA5d223Eba6AC60B85

Base - 0xa2a7e7636ab4374847074c147be770624f43342e


Contract for managing the RAIR token ranges facet. Administrate ranges, transfers & minting of tokens.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0xa2a7e7636ab4374847074c147be770624f43342e

Matic - 0x160a7b40a16fbe0607134770f407ee258b85d7b4

Astar - 0xf4Aee47E150780790ceE84d1DA1BfcEbaCeA8F36

Base - 0x781f15a23506cf28539ea057e3f33008e6339e49


ERC2981 facet for RAIR diamond contracts. Functions needed for royalty standard.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x781f15a23506cf28539ea057e3f33008e6339e49

Matic - 0xb1a91ba11b92502848c1684517a2806100c6d3c0

Astar - 0x19aB52bba6D840824b2c6b175ff3029F8BF9f900

Base - 0x9bb24e68d952ab872b0421297e0cda8d89b2390b

ERC721 Factory

The Factory deploys ERC721

RAIR ERC721 Factory Diamond

Handles the deployment of ERC721 RAIR Tokens. The factory will keep track of every contract deployed and the users that have deployed them. Once deployed the factory steps out of the RAIR workflow.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x05f79b2c8173c07470a7bb2b9990a0098f158ac5

Matic - 0x2469f47b61cb9c1724ba816e861475a89bd8cf69

Astar - 0xC475c824715c0f0DcbC936F5c644254159e95439

Base - 0x1f89cc515ddc53da2fac5b0ca3b322066a71e6ba

Factory Facets


Our Facet creators contract. Use this contract to view the creator of contracts and the list of contractsdeployed.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x9bb24e68d952ab872b0421297e0cda8d89b2390b

Matic - 0x4a87675a164c18a58ddc4aa6d4486685d7edd7ca

Astar - 0xCb07841020c9e2eE505d85Bca35ED9c58F698Dc1

Base - 0x09fc6670ab52dc4fde66b74908de200252a6872a


ERC721 factory. Receives ERC777 tokens and deploys an ERC721 smart contract

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x09fc6670ab52dc4fde66b74908de200252a6872a

Matic - 0xef85370b8f136e2f28ea904bf0da5acac3d1d74f

Astar - 0x126E53c88fD4A7E8ee8fCd903f30bCe2cec4f5fd

Base - 0x9498b23e964760364435c23c793e9352ff4e2200

Credit Deposit

Deposit logic for the points system.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x51ea5316f2a9062e1cab3c498cca2924a7ab03b1

Matic - 0xe2a3210aaa0cb75f6c8cccd132c48ce9f73f572e

Astar - 0xB4565Bb95345FD155695B349cC4B0e762D050EFc

Base - 0x5c31677c7e73f97020213690f736a8a2ff922ebc

Credit Query
Credit Withdraw


RAIR ERC721 Marketplace Diamond

Handles the trading of ERC721 RAIR Tokens.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x1f89cc515ddc53da2fac5b0ca3b322066a71e6ba

Matic - 0xafbacedad4117ea6f53686e7702f012d0bbff452

Astar - 0xd402CB64A138B2F50C3e810d4fD71344583173DE

Base - 0x58795f50b50d492c4252b9bbf78485ef4043ff3e

Marketplace Facets

Minting Offers

Facet for minting offers in the RAIR Marketplace.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0xd22179abcffc1b62a51a35fbc726f0c79440547c

Matic - 0x06e5197f761f970decca7de835ad811bd65876f5

Astar - 0x5A8D72440107D447256354Aaef1f7Af4d6d1354f

Base - 0x5caba889219de9d52841fd79741cfe4ce5a61a29


Facet for transferring NFTs and funds.

Author: Juan M. Sanchez M.

Ethereum (Sepolia Testnet) - 0x80847414d3b4ac35d6b078501bad7a7e2367a931

Matic - 0xbdd7f46541412c8a9fcf39c572909058375ba7ee

Astar - 0x3460D2FDC418Aea9370778e6321870F7804968B7

Base - 0x05f79b2c8173c07470a7bb2b9990a0098f158ac5

Last updated

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