GCP Cloud Storage

Profile images and Videos are stored in GCP Buckets.Configuration steps required :

  • Creation of Buckets

  • Service Account Creation

  • Grant Access to Service Account on Buckets

  • Updating environment variables in .env file

Creation of Buckets

Create Bucket

Click on CREATE Button

Follow defaults and Provide "Public to internet " access by Granting "Storage Object Creator" Role to user "allUsers"

Two Buckets needs to be created - one for Storing videos and other for storing Profile images

Service Account Creation

Create Service Account


Follow the defaults and create account

Create Key

For the Service Account, create key and download it for updating it in .env file

Grant Access to Service Account on Buckets

Updating environment variables

Set following environments variables in .env file

gcp_image_bucket_name=<Bucket name for storing Profile images>

gcp_video_bucket_name=<Bucket name for storing Videos>

gcp_credentials='<Paste contents of the Key file of Service Account>'

Last updated