Proxy Settings for Default Frontend

How to configure system to load a blank homepage

Create custom component SimpleDApp.tsx

This component uses these components:

  • Connect button

  • Social logins

  • Main banner

  • TitleCollection (replaced mint button to Main banner)

  1. Remove Connect button from Header

  2. Changed logic in useConnectUser hook and TitleCollection component

  3. Improving styles

  4. Adding specific conditions to display the Connect Button or Main banner

  5. In App.tsx component I changed main url '/' . In RairDapp it uses SimpleDApp.tsx now. And because of this we see another main component

  6. In order for authorization using social logins to work, you need to add the following variables to the env file:



In our case, this is the Base blockchain: VITE_BASE_MAINNET_ALCHEMY_KEY=xxx VITE_BASE_MAINNET_GAS_POLICY=xxx

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