RAIRlite (Single VM)

Deploying RAIR to localhost or single cloud VM.

Simple Deployment

Getting up and running with RAIRprotocol is easy!

  1. Pick where you'd like to deploy. Windows WSL, Ubuntu Local, or Ubuntu Cloud VM

  2. Install Docker and Docker Compose

  3. Clone/Fork our repo and run a simple docker command to deploy the entire system!

  4. Configure Docker with your admin NFT and your own API keys (Alchemy, etc)

Video Workflow

Install Docker-Compose

RAIR deploys each its services in a self-contained Docker image. If you are building RAIR from a desktop environment, you can install Docker Desktop which also adds theDocker-Compose command line utility to your system.

If another setup is desired, you can install Docker-compose manually.

Configure .env

Inside the repository root is a file called .env.sample. This template contains a list of values that are to be consumed during the build process:

  1. Create a new file in /rair called .env

  2. Copy and paste the contents of .env.sample into .env

  3. Refer to the Backend Variables Library for help populating .env.

Build RAIRlite

It's the moment of truth. From the command line, in the repository root, run:

docker-compose -f {dockerfile.yml} up

Wait for the build to complete. (This may take a while if it's the first time as dependencies need to be downloaded)

Once successfully deployed, point the browser to the RAIRfrontend service (probably localhost:8080, or wherever you set the host in .env).

You should see the application running!

Test plan

Finally, to ensure that you are running the Minimum Viable Product, execute our MVP Test Plan.

Last updated